More Time for You Now
Led by Alesia Latson, author of the book, More Time for You Now – This program focuses on managing time so that create work life balance and have more time for yourself. It also trains you to be much more effective in your job.
Why is it that the more you try to organize your work and your life, the busier and more frustrated you become? Why are so many so-called time savers really just time drains? And most important, what can you do about it?
More Time for You is the answer. This simple but potentially life-changing program spells out a proven and powerful system to help you get and stay organized, prioritize responsibilities, get things done in less time, and have more time away from the phone, e-mail, office, paperwork—whatever it is that’s not helping but actually interfering with your productivity and your life.
This program is specifically designed to help you make the most of productivity enhancers you most likely already have:
• Set up a calendar management and reminder system using Microsoft Outlook and other software pre-installed on most computers • Maximize the power (and minimize the time sink) of social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace • “Triage” your email to maintain an empty mailbox • Abandon the strategies that don’t work, including the dreaded and impossible “multitasking” • Handle (and even eliminate) distractions and interruptions • Banish that nagging, persistent feeling that something is slipping through the cracks • Make better and more consistent decisions based on quantifiable priorities
Date and Time:
April 4, 2012
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gateway Park Room GP 1002 60 Prescott Street Worcester, MA 01605
Members: $45; Non-Members: $75
A light dinner will be served.
To Register

If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit