Women's History Month March Fundraiser
The month of March is Women's History Month and WEST is celebrating by raising funds to continue to offer a variety of programs to support the career goals and growth of women in STEM fields. Program and member fees do not cover our full costs each year. To continue to provide vital career advancement programs we rely on generous donations from individuals and organizations sympathetic to our mission. Please consider making a donation, reaching out to your network, and/or purchasing a membership in March.
Gilead Partnership
WEST celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Read stories from our community on our blog post.
Interesting post from Bruce Booth on Getting More C-level Women in Biotech and how WEST is making an impact with programming focusing on career development to help women grow into future roles.
Read the Huffington Post article on The Secret Sauce of Driving Innovation featuring lessons learned from our 5/12 CEO panel discussion.
We have blog called WEST Wisdom- http://www.westorg.org/blog. The blog will feature member Q&A, industry news, announcements, and event highlights.
WEST is on Pinterest. We have boards for our upcoming book club, our events, our mission (knowledge, inspiration, connections), words of wisdom, and helpful info. http://pinterest.com/westorg/boards/
Ricardo Medina of YuricPHOTOGRAPHY helped WEST create a great new video. Check it out.
- Learn why WEST Membership means so much to me!
