MBA or Not MBA #WESTmba
At some point in their careers, many women in science and technology find themselves presented with this question: Does it make sense for me to enroll in an MBA plan and, if so, when and under what circumstances? A panel of five very accomplished women, two of whom have MBA degrees and three of whom do not, will address the factors that you should take into account in making this decision and the alternative career paths that may be open to you with and without an MBA degree. The panel will be moderated by Bentley University’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Non-MBA Panelists:
Sandra Glucksmann, Senior Vice President of Research and Business Operations at Cerulean Pharma. Read her bio HERE
Laura Ramanis, Managing Partner for Mercer's New England Region. Read her bio HERE
Catherine Mitchell, Senior Director of Technology Services Group for the Enterprise Storage Division within IIP (Information & Infrastructure Products) at EMC Corporation. Read her bio HERE
MBA Panelist:
Colleen O'Keefe, Senior Level Global Technology Executive. Read her bio HERE
Adelene Perkins, CEO Infinity Pharmaceuticals. Read her bio HERE
Michael Page will moderate the discussion. Read his bio HERE
Date and Time:
May 30, 2012
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Bentley University 175 Forest Street Waltham, MA 02452
Please plan to park in Lots 1 & 2. LaCava Conference Center Executive Dining Room, 3rd Floor, Room #395
Members: $35; Non-Members: $65
A light dinner will be served.
Cancellation Policy:
All programs are non-refundable.
To Register
WEST would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of this event:

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