Practical Advice for the Part-time Alliance Manager #WESTAlly
Many in the biopharmaceutical / healthcare sectors have been made responsible for managing collaborations on behalf of their organizations, while maintaining other key responsibilities. What is the most effective way to manage these deals when you are also in another full-time role? What are the “must do” activities to keep your collaborations on track, versus those which might be “nice to have”? Come to this event to hear practical advice from local alliance leaders.
Date and Time: June 13, 2012 6:00 - 9:00 PM
AstraZeneca R&D Boston 35 Gatehouse Drive
Waltham MA 02451
$35 Members and $65 Non-Members
A light dinner will be served.
Cancellation Policy:
All programs are non-refundable.
To Register
WEST thanks its generous sponsorship for tonight's event from:

If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
