The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Resiliency #WESTresiliency
So you want to be an entrepreneur? What kind of attitudes and temperaments work best for entrepreneurs? Can anyone learn to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset?
Join WEST and Eleanor Chin, a leader in the field of positive psychology and resiliency, for a lively program that will provide you with an individually tailored assessment of your own capacity for entrepreneurial resiliency and insights for cultivating resiliency in life and work.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, an intrapreneur, are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, are joining an entrepreneurial venture or are just curious about understanding our innate capacity for resiliency, you will find this workshop to be a very informative and stimulating session.
About Resiliency: Resilience seems to be the new catch phrase. People and cities are touted as resilient. But what does it really mean to be resilient? And how does one get resilient? Is it a genetic dice roll? Or is it learnable? The answer is both.
The field of resiliency has a long history of psychological research and much is known that can help us in our day-to-day struggles. Eleanor Chin will shed light on some of the psychological and emotional concepts that make up what we call resilience and share some strategies for learning to be more psychologically hardy in the face of adversity. Eleanor has studied with Martin Seligman (Learned Optimism) and Karen Reivich (The Resilience Factor) and has taught in University of Pennsylvania’s program to teach resiliency to the US Army. Over 12,000 soldiers have learned to be more resilient and we can too.
About the Speaker:
Eleanor Chin brings over 20 years of experience as a dynamic leader, executive coach and an innovative thinker in her work with not-for-profits, educational institutions, Fortune 1000 corporations and start-up ventures. Ms. Chin combines her experience and vision to coach individual and institutional clients in navigating change and creating inclusive, effective systems. Click here for her full bio.
About the Moderator:
Alison (Ali) Farquhar, a member of the WEST Board of Directors, will provide background for the evening’s program and discussion. Ali Farquhar is a Principal of GTL Coaching & Consulting and a respected executive coach, consultant, and facilitator. She works with senior executives to help them become more self-aware and effective leaders. Learn more Ali here.
Date and Time: March 11, 2014 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Evening Agenda
5:50-6:10pm: Registration
6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated Networking
6:30-8:30pm: Workshop
8:30-9:00pm: Networking
Location: The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7 Cambridge Center, Olympus room, Cambridge, MA 02142
Map and Parking Info
We appreciate The Broad Institute donating the use of their event space.

Members: $35; Non-Members: $55, Workshop and Annual Membership: $120
A light dinner will be served.
To Register
WEST's Entrepreneurial Series has multiple events including Awaken the Sleeping Giant: 5 Drivers of Innovation in Any Environment on November 19, 2013 and The Investor’s Perspective on March 4, 2014.

If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
