Using Mindfulness to Stay Sane in a Stressful World #WESTmindfulness
In a hectic, volatile, complex, and uncertain world, being mindful is a challenge. Rather than experiencing the present, we tend either to dwell in the past, ruminating about the things we should have done, or in the future, worrying whether we will achieve the goals we think are necessary for our success and happiness. Meanwhile, in the present, we are endlessly stimulated by electronic devices, always-on social media, and a limitless supply of distractions that keep us from our priorities. Mindfulness may be just the remedy you've been looking for. Come and take a pause from the busyness and stress of your everyday lives; learn about the benefits of finding some calm within; and practice some mindfulness techniques that you can take home with you as your own personal antidote to stress.
This workshop will be lead by Alison (Ali) Farquhar, Principal of GTL Coaching & Consulting. She is a respected executive coach, consultant, and facilitator. She works with senior executives and high potentials to help them become more self-aware and effective leaders. As a facilitator, she combines analytical skills with warm human intelligence to help teams build trust, manage conflict, get on track, and deliver results. Ali is recognized for her ability to “cut through the clutter” in complex and uncertain environments, envision the big picture, deal with difficult subjects, and deliver tangible results for clients and organizations. Ali holds a BA from Exeter University in the UK, an MBA from INSEAD, France, and is a Certified Executive Coach.
Date and Time: May 29, 2014 6:00 - 8:30 PM
5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-8:00pm: Workshop 8:00-8:30pm: Optional networking
Microsoft, One Cambridge Center, 4th Floor, Longfellow Room, Cambridge, MA 02142
Map and Parking Information
We appreciate Microsoft donating the use of their event space.

Members: $35; Non-Members: $55, Workshop and Annual Membership: $120
This is part of the summer series and you can register for multiple events at a discounted rate.
** We are offering a special rate for postdocs who register on or before May 16th to attend all four events for only $90. Please email [email protected] for the discount code.
A light dinner will be served.
To Register
Thank you to our workshop sponsor.
If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
