Personality Styles and Communication Using DiSC #WESTpersonality
This workshop focuses on developing greater self-awareness and stronger communication skills. The workshop is based on the DiSC Behavior Model, which groups behavioral responses into four clusters. This self-scoring behavioral learning instrument is a proven road map to interpersonal communications and teamwork. Prior to the workshop, you will complete the 10 minute online assessment. Kathy Ball-Toncic, CPCC will provide a background on different DiSC behavioral styles and help you understand and learn from your own profile. The workshop uses content and interactive exercises to help participants understand differences and how best to leverage their own style when dealing with others who may have a different style. There will be lots of practical and actionable strategies for communicating, influencing, and collaborating more effectively with colleagues, bosses or in work teams or even family and friends.
Kathy Ball-Toncic is a corporate and leadership coach, specializing in women’s leadership development. In 2006, she founded the two.six.two group, a leadership coaching and consulting firm. Kathy leverages her own experience in the corporate world to motivate and inspire other leaders. She has collaborated with CEO’s, managers, directors, and individual contributors, both men and women, from many diverse companies including corporations such as Omgeo (a Thomson Financial/DTCC company), NYFIX, Novartis, Raytheon, ING, and Babson University. Kathy is the former director and current faculty member of the Graduate Program in Executive Coaching at Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology in Boston ( Kathy is an adjunct faculty member at the Swiss School of Management in Rome where she teaches leadership to MBA students from around the world.
Audience: Those who need to work with or lead others to get the job done OR who would like better relationships
Date and Time: December 11, 2014 6:00 - 9:00 PM
5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-8:30pm: Workshop 8:30-9:00pm: Networking
University of Massachusetts, 333 South Street, 4th Floor, Amphitheater, Shrewsbury, MA
We appreciate University of Massachusetts Medical School donating the use of their event space.
Members: $40; Non-Members: $60, Workshop and Annual Membership: $125
A light dinner will be served.
To Register
University of Massachusetts has used all 65 of their discount codes for this event, so the discount code is no longer active.
Registration for this event will close on Tuesday, 12/9 so all attendees have time to take the DiSC assessment and we have time to prepare and print each person's individualized report.

If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
