Mastering the Give and Take of Constructive Feedback #WESTfeedback
Good feedback is hard to come by. Often, people shy away from offering honest, constructive feedback, because they worry that the relationship will be damaged. Likewise, people often shy away from asking for feedback, for fear of what they may hear. If we only have our own perceptions to go on, our blind spots will keep us from developing to our full potential. And when we withhold important performance information from others, we keep ourselves comfortable at the cost of their development. Come to this interactive workshop by Ali Farquhar to learn about why it is hard to both give and get feedback, and develop some skills that will make it easier.
Alison (Ali) Farquhar is Principal of GTL, a leadership development consultancy that partners with senior executives and their teams to build insight into what has made them successful and what keeps them from their full potential. Ali works as a peer-to-peer thinking partner, supporting and challenging leaders to reflect on their impact, clarify their vision, and develop a roadmap for growth. She provides an active sounding board as they challenge old assumptions, deepen their self-awareness, and develop into more fully rounded leaders. Ali holds an MBA from INSEAD, France, and is a Certified Executive Coach trained at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. She has partnered with large and small companies across a broad range of industries in Europe and North America. Today, she works primarily in healthcare and the life sciences, helping clients lead effectively in complex, fast-moving environments.
Date and Time: April 15, 2015 6:00 - 9:00 PM
5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-8:30pm: Workshop 8:30-9:00pm: Networking
University of Massachusetts, 333 South Street, 4th Floor, Amphitheater, Shrewsbury, MA
We appreciate University of Massachusetts Medical School's sponsorship of this event.
Members: $35; Non-Members: $55, Workshop and Annual Membership: $120
The first 65 UMMS Faculty, Staff, Students, Post Docs, and Residents can attend for free.
4/2/15 Update: UMMS has used all of their free spots for this event. Please email [email protected] to be added to the wait list.
A light dinner will be served.
To Register

If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
