Presenting with Impact #WESTpresenting
We all have to sit through presentations that are boring, long and not inspirational. We all give presentations. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling a client or energizing a team, the power of your presentation skills makes the difference between success and failure. In this workshop you will learn how to make a different presentation that is attractive and impactful. You will get background information and ideas that work and practical tips. You will get a chance to practice and work on your presentation skills. Come and join and experience that presenting can be fun.
About Caroline Mourits
Caroline is a trainer with extensive experience in professional skills training and personal development. She is a Dale Carnegie trainer as well as a trainer for numerous other organizations. She has worked in Europe in addition to the US. Amongst them are Technical Universities, corporate companies and non-profit organizations. Her strong belief is that people can grow much more than they generally think. She likes to take people out of their comfort zone to show them what is possible.
Date and Time: February 11, 2016 6:00 - 8:30 PM
5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-8:00pm: Workshop 8:00-8:30pm: Optional networking
IBM Research Center, 1 Rogers Street, Auditorium, Cambridge, MA 02142
Map and Parking Information
We appreciate IBM Research donating the use of their event space.

Cost: Members: $35; Non-Members: $55, Workshop and Annual Membership: $120
A light dinner will be served.
To Register
If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit
