Upcoming Events

2024-2025 Annual Theme: Grit, Growth, Gratitude

The journey of a woman, especially professionally, is an ever-evolving experience that, while integrated in the world, is still very unique to each of us. Women strive to break barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and pave the way for future generations through their careers. This journey entails embracing and representing grit, growth, and gratitude. For many women, particularly in the STEM industries, grit means tackling challenges head-on. Through grit and determination to continue the journey, women embody an infinite growth ability. Professionally, growth is not just about accumulating knowledge but also about evolving as individuals and as leaders. This means seeking out opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and continuous education. This the mission that WEST seeks to fill, and one of the many facets of the WEST community that our members love. As women grow, we reflect on the grit, growth, support, and opportunities required to get where we are, and embrace gratitude. For WEST, gratitude extends past the individual journey and leads us to generously give back to the community that has empowered us. After much reflection, as well as looking ahead to the future, these tenets, grit, growth, and gratitude, have been selected as WEST’s Annual Theme for 2024-2025.



Unlock Your Leadership Potential
March 3, 2025, 6:00-7:00 PM ET 

The best outcomes in science and technology don’t just come from brilliant ideas – they come from great leaders who can guide teams, inspire creativity, and navigate challenges.

Join Gwen Acton, PhD, author of Leadership for Scientists and Engineers, for an interactive session designed for those in science and technology who want to enhance their personal leadership impact. Whether you're navigating change, leading a team, or preparing for a future leadership role, this session will give you practical strategies to lead with confidence and drive innovation.

Location: Zoom

CostMembers: $5; Non-Members: $15




WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking
March 12, 2025, 5:30-7:30 PM ET 

The WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking series has become one of our most popular! These events are great opportunities to network with other STEM professionals while enjoying drinks and appetizers. 

Location: Foley & Lardner LLP, 111 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02199

CostMembers: $0; Non-Members: $10




What's Your Communication Style?
March 19, 2025, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

While many of us intellectually recognize that there are different communication styles in the workplace, in times of stress or uncertainty, we risk making emotionally-based assumptions about others’ motivations, behaviors and styles. This can undermine our confidence, relationships and overall productivity. Using the Deloitte Business Chemistry Profiles model, we’ll explore different communication styles to help you better understand and improve your interactions with others.

In this interactive session, we will:

  • Explore why it’s important to understand our communication styles and the styles of those around us
  • Leverage the Deloitte Business Chemistry Profiles model to identify our own styles
  • Learn how to best engage with different styles to maximize relationships and overall business outcomes.
LocationPrime Medicine, 60 First St., Cambridge, MA 02141

CostMembers: $10; Non-Members: $20




Personal Branding & Marketing Yourself
March 20, 2025, 12:00-1:30 PM ET 

When we use the term “marketing”, most people think of products, services and commodities. How about ourselves – marketing our talents, accomplishments and value – inside our organizations and outside within our profession, industry and community. Are we comfortable talking about ourselves in this way? More importantly, are we prepared to talk about ourselves in this way – packaging our talents, ideas and accomplishments – showcasing them, leveraging them and presenting our value internally within our organizations and externally within our chosen fields, industries & communities? Are we managing our careers as proactively as we help others manage theirs? Identifying, creating and articulating one's “personal brand" empowers us to 'own our career', seize opportunities we aspire to achieve and tell our stories. Personal branding and the ability to market ourselves is an essential ingredient for successful career management at all stages of our careers. Learn how to create a framework to embrace and develop this core competency.


CostMembers: $5; Non-Members: $15




Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking - Working for Yourself: Independent Consulting, Coaching
March 31, 2025, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

This panel is designed to help you think about your career path and the different options that are open to you. The panel will have an informational interview type feel with panelists sharing their career paths, a look at what their job entails, transferrable skills for those looking to make a change, tips for uncovering opportunities, advice for others, and how to make brave leaps.

Panelists will include:

Erin Deemer - Organization Development Consultant, Independent
Jocelyn Dunphy
 - Owner & Senior Consultant, ProCapability Training & Consulting
Anne Thessen - Owner & Operator, The Data Detektiv

Location: Zoom

CostFree to All
Thanks to our Sponsor




Women's Health with Keynote Speaker Dr. Julia Edelman
April 4, 2025, 11:30-12:30 PM ET 

We are excited to host an event featuring Dr. Julia Edelman, a board-certified gynecologist, renowned menopause expert, and founder of Women’s Health and Gynecology of New England. Dr. Edelman has dedicated her career to helping women ages 18 to 60+ live healthier, more vibrant lives. 

Join us for the opportunity to get your burning health questions answered! Dr. Edelman will be tailoring this event to the questions submitted by attendees. If you've ever had a women's health question for yourself, a loved one, or how leadership can consider women's health in workplace culture and day-to-day decisions, this is for you. 

Location: Lab Central, 700 Main St., Lobby, Cambridge, MA

CostFree to All




WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking
April 9, 2025, 5:30-7:30 PM ET 

The WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking series has become one of our most popular! These events are great opportunities to network with other STEM professionals while enjoying drinks and appetizers. 

Location: Monte Rosa Therapeutics, 321 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA

Cost: Members: $0; Non-Members: $10




Storytelling for Leaders
April 16, 2025, 12:00-1:00 PM ET 

Telling the right story at the right time can help you build trust, advocate for yourself, and advance your career.

The workshop will include opportunities for participation, reflection, and Q&A. Participants will leave with actionable steps to enhance how they tell stories to inspire both themselves and others to take action.

Location: Zoom

Cost: Members: $5; Non-Members: $15




Empowering YOU: How to Be a Great Coach or Mentor
May 1, 2025, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

Embark on a journey to uncover the key points of coaching & mentoring in the workplace. Explore the nuances (differences and similarities) between the two powerful approaches while digging into the foundational elements of the coaching relationship. Discover how to create an intentional coaching alliance setting the stage for success for you and your team. Dive into practical, hands-on exercises (on active listening and powerful questioning) to immediately kickstart and get the most out of your coaching and mentoring journey.  Plus, learn invaluable techniques for giving and receiving feedback from all stakeholders. Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop where learning meets action! This session will be led by Pallavi Srivastava and Karin von Hodenberg.

Location: Be Biopharma, One Kendall Square, Bldg. 200, 3rd floor, Be Bio Cafe, Cambridge, MA

Cost: Members: $15; Non-Members: $30




How to Have Difficult Conversations with Ease
May 7, 2025, 6:00-7:00 PM ET 

Have you ever dreaded having a conversation you knew you needed to have? Whether it’s addressing an awkward situation, standing up for yourself, delivering unpleasant news, or asking for a promotion, it’s not always easy. As a professional woman in the STEM field, how do you handle difficult conversations with grace & ease?

Location: Zoom

Cost: Members: $5; Non-Members: $15




WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking
May 21, 2025, 5:30-7:30 PM ET 

The WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking series has become one of our most popular! These events are great opportunities to network with other STEM professionals while enjoying drinks and appetizers. 

LocationBeam Therapeutics, 238 Main St., Cambridge, MA

Cost: Members: $0; Non-Members: $10




Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking - Regulatory, Clinical Trials, Technical Clinical Writing
May 29, 2025, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

This panel is designed to help you think about your career path and the different options that are open to you. The panel will have an informational interview type feel with panelists sharing their career paths, a look at what their job entails, transferrable skills for those looking to make a change, tips for uncovering opportunities, advice for others, and how to make brave leaps.

Location: Zoom

Cost: Free to All
