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STRATEGIC VERSUS TACTICAL THINKING June 22, 2016, 6:00-8:30 PM Both tactical work and strategic context are critical to be effective in your job – and even the way you navigate the world. Tactical activities allow you to get the work done, strategic thinking and context provides you with a great understanding and an ability to be most impactful in what you do on a daily basis. Strategic thinking involves long term planning, determining priorities, and identifying potential risks and opportunities. In addition, strategic thinking becomes increasingly important in the higher levels of an organization. During this workshop you will learn how to increase the value you bring to an organization by focusing your efforts on long-term impact activities, in addition to short-range implementation.
WOMEN OF THE FUTURE: AWARDS AND PANEL DISCUSSION Our exposure to great role models and sponsors can substantially influence how our careers grow and develop. Please join us for an evening to honor three inspirational established women leaders who have made their mark and to recognize and celebrate outstanding women from the next generation. Be inspired, network, and support the career advancement of women in science and technology! Awardees
June 15, 2016, 6:00-8:30 PM You’re told that networking is key to success in building your career. You finally go out on a limb and book an “exploratory” interview to collect information about a job, career field, industry or company. Now what?? Come learn how to ask for, conduct, and follow up with exploratory, or any kind of interview. You’ll learn practical information on how to prepare for and guide these important discussions. In addition, we’ll have some hands-on exercises to give you practice. This workshop will be led by Alice Koehn Benson, President & CEO of Gatti & Associates.
DRIVING YOUR CAREER FORWARD - MENTORS, SPONSORS, COACHES The work rules have changed. It is no longer how quickly you can move up the ladder or that by doing good work, you will be noticed and promoted. It is all about building up your portfolio of valuable experiences and assignments that accelerate your learning, your performance, your network and your future opportunities. And you need others to support you in your career – “a board of advisors” who provide advice, access to assignments, feedback, and accountability support. In this inspiring session, workshop presenters, Ellen Keiley & Carol Salloway, will cover the new realities and the actions you can take to increase your value and career potential. Learn the difference between mentoring, sponsorship, and coaching and how each of these three activities are important for your talent and career development. You will leave with some clear next steps to drive your career forward!
WEST BOOK CLUB WEST is offering a book club for WEST members focusing on women's career advancement. We will have a meeting with a new book every other month. We would like participants to commit to four sessions to create a supportive community. We will have a facilitator for each discussion group who will have read the book, so those who do not finish the whole book should still feel comfortable attending and joining in the conversation. We understand people get busy at certain times of the year and may not get to finish every book. We have selected the books based on member suggestions
RELAUNCHING CAREERS IN BIOTECH/LIFE SCIENCES/PHARMA - HOW IT'S DONE Four Success Stories on How to Return to Work After Long Career Breaks We are thrilled to announce the participation of four professionals from the Biotech/Life Sciences/Phama sector who have successfully returned to work after long career breaks. Three panelists have experienced multi-year career breaks and one had a shorter career break of less than a year, but went through a career transition at the same time. Please join us for an exciting evening of diving into the most important factors for return-to-work success. Featuring Indira Krishnan, Enith Morillo, Theresa Singleton, Carol Waghorne, and Carol Fishman Cohen.
THRIVING DURING CHANGE “Change-artists” are savvy professionals who harness change in order to position and accelerate their careers. This workshop is designed for professionals who want to thrive during organizational transitions, while staying aligned with their values, goals and vision. Rather than being buffeted by the winds of change, learn how to stay centered and steer your own course. During this interactive presentation, Claudette Rowley, a seasoned Executive Coach and Change Management Consultant, will lead you through her 8 step “Thrive During Change” process. You’ll learn:
WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND THE BURN OUT FACTOR While women have made great strides in science it has not come without a cost. Women come in to science later, leave earlier and express more discontent with their choices than their male counter parts. Why? A large part is the hold over culture from early days helps people avoid the burn out that all people experience in high end careers are more geared towards men. While this was not intentional, it is just that men were the entire crowd back then, women need ways to tackle the burn out factor that are specific to the way they live their lives. Planning the career track, working their way up the ladder and being a productive and valued team member are done differently between men and women. This talk by Heather Duffy focuses on how women can take steps in their journey to identify their specific areas of burn out, how to tackle them and how to move forward in the face of burn out. ACCELERATE YOUR CAREER THROUGH PERSONAL BRANDING AND MARKETING YOURSELF When we use the term “marketing”, most people think of products, services and commodities. How about ourselves – marketing our talents, accomplishments and value – inside our organizations and outside within our profession, industry and community. Are you or your staff members comfortable talking about yourselves in this way? More importantly, are you prepared to talk about yourselves in this way – packaging your talents and accomplishments – showcasing them, leveraging them and presenting your value internally within your organization and externally within your chosen fields & communities? Identifying, creating and articulating one's “personal brand" empowers us to 'own our career' and seize opportunities we aspire to achieve. Personal branding and the ability to market ourselves is an essential ingredient for successful career management. Learn how to create a framework to embrace and develop this core competency from Rita B. Allen.
NETWORKING SKILLS FOR INTROVERTS March 21, 2016, 6:00-8:30 PM Some of us will never enjoy walking into a room of strangers and having to make connections. Does that mean we’re doomed professionally? Not at all! Maya Townsend, founder and lead consultant at Partnering Resources, will explain some of the science behind networking and show how that science can help engineers, technologists, and introverts make connections successfully and strategically. She will draw on insights from the social sciences and business world to explain the networking practices of high performers. Maya will dispel the myth that people who want strong networks should never eat alone and, instead, explain the simple actions that can significantly contribute to the health of their network. If you attend this session, you can expect to come away with:
INTERVIEWING SECRETS THAT HONE YOUR COMPETITIVE EDGE First impression & expert Janet Parnes is on a mission to equip young professionals with skills that enable them to maximize the opportunities and handle the conundrums that come with career advancement. In this Interview Preparation workshop, you will learn: hygiene and attire, when to arrive, acknowledging the receptionist and how to make the most out of the waiting room, the professional introduction, and initiating and maintaining a conversation, common conundrums, the powerful silent messenger monitoring your own and reading another’s body language, post-interview pitfalls & considerations and follow up that keeps you memorable.
BEST PRACTICES IN HIRING, RETAINING, DEVELOPING, AND ADVANCING WOMEN LEADERS IN ENGINEERING How do we REALLY develop women leaders? Come learn from experts. Join us for a provocative panel presentation and interactive dialogue highlighting best practices in hiring, retaining, developing, and advancing women leaders. Panelists will share lessons learned and effective approaches for moving toward gender balance at all levels. Come to network with other movers and shakers in the science and technology community and be inspired. Panelists:
CAREER PATHS AND WORKING IN INDUSTRY Biogen's WIN group is offering roundtable discussions with women from various areas of Biogen. They will be talking to female grad students/post-docs about their career paths and decision to work in industry. This event will be limited to the first 30 to register.
PRESENTING WITH IMPACT We all have to sit through presentations that are boring, long and not inspirational. We all give presentations. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling a client or energizing a team, the power of your presentation skills makes the difference between success and failure. In this workshop you will learn how to make a different presentation that is attractive and impactful. You will get background information and ideas that work and practical tips. You will get a chance to practice and work on your presentation skills. Come and join and experience that presenting can be fun. This workshop will be led by Caroline Mourits.
EFFECTIVE TRANSITION FROM ACADEMIA TO INDUSTRY Join us for this annual event to hear lessons learned from a variety of individual experiences and to learn the critical skills necessary for a smooth and effective transition. Panelists include individuals that have successfully made the transition from academia as well as experienced recruiters who have managed these kinds of transitions.
WEST'S 8TH ANNUAL "GIVING BACK" AWARDS CEREMONY Meet the extraordinary and inspiring women being honored and hear the stories of how they have made a profound impact on society. The honorees are role models who balance job and personal responsibilities while making a difference in their community. Join us to congratulate them, be inspired, network, and support the career advancement of women in the enterprise of science and technology! Local companies in STEM nominated the women we will be celebrating this year. We received a large number of applications and will recognize many amazing women. We will also honor WEST volunteers and supporters whose dedication and outreach efforts have helped us reach our strategic goals. Appetizers, wine, and dessert will be served.
ANNUAL CAREER POSSIBILITIES - SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT Do you want to define your value proposition, explore career possibilities, and be inspired by people who have used their science and technical training to advance their careers in different directions? Join us for WEST’s Annual Career Possibilities Event. The evening will start with facilitated networking, so you can meet the other attendees and panelists. This will be followed by a panel discussion to learn more about each panelist and their key lessons learned. Then you will have the opportunity to break into small groups and talk with the different panelists.
HOW TO GET TO THE SENIOR LEVELS OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on successful strategies for women in reaching top management in the sciences. A dynamic panel of women leaders will share their successes, and more importantly their lessons learned, as they have moved up the career ladder in scientific management. Come hear the wisdom of women leaders as they provide candid feedback and insightful advice on what enables women to reach the top. Panelists: Moderator:
THE ELEPHANT AND THE STAPLER: DEVELOPING A COMMON LANGUAGE OF EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS, AND TIMELINESS Do you feel that sometimes your organization mirrors the old tale about the blind men and the elephant? The tale says that when the blind men were asked to describe the elephant, they could not produce a unified picture of the elephant because they were describing its different parts. In today’s organizational environments, this tale is used to illustrate how people have to ‘collaborate’, ‘communicate’, ‘align perspectives', etc. Yet, these valuable concepts are vague and non-prescriptive, i.e. they do not tell you how to change behaviors in a concrete way so that day-to-day decisions capture and act on the whole picture of the elephant. The result is that you end up with a stapled version of a complex situation and difficult interpersonal dynamics. In this workshop, you will learn from Iris Stammberger how to escape the blind men conundrum by helping your team 'see' situations in all their complexity. You will learn: 1. how to capture the various perspectives as a unified view, and 2. how to develop and track appropriate metrics of performance. This interactive workshop offers practical application of tools created to support decision-making in complex work.
A CONVERSATION ABOUT BUILDING RESILIENCE AND THRIVING IN A CHANGING WORLD WITH NICKY MARSHALL Join us for a Fireside Chat with Nicky Marshall about her book The Missing Piece in Bouncing Back. The evening will start with facilitated networking and continue on with Nicky sharing the 6 signs of stress and illness and how to turn the tides, how to recognize 3 things you already have and how to celebrate them to love your life and everyone in it, and the project with 23 other people that is making a difference on a global scale. The event with include a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Laurie Vallas, Internal Communications Lead/ Change Management Liaison for GSK and Founder of The Heartifacts.
HOW CAN COMPANIES GET YOU, KEEP YOU, AND MOVE YOU UP THE LADDER. COME AND HEAR ABOUT BEST PRACTICES FOR HIRING, DEVELOPING, AND RETAINING WOMEN LEADERS IN BIOTECH Join us for a panel presentation and participative dialogue about best practices in hiring, developing, and retaining women leaders in the science and technology fields. Our panelists will share some approaches that work and describe how women and men, working together, are starting to move the needle on the gender divide. Come to network with other movers and shakers in the science and technology community and be inspired while enjoying appetizers, wine, and dessert. Panelists:
GET ON BOARD: INSIDE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to serve on a board, are already on a board, or work with a board, join us for Get on Board! The panelists are directors of both for-profit and nonprofit organization boards, and will address issues relating to service as directors, including the combinations of skills and experiences that boards are seeking, how to best position yourself for nonprofit or for-profit board candidacy, resources available to help you identify and take advantage of both paid and volunteer board opportunities, what it’s like to serve as a director on a board, and issues particular to women on boards. Panelists:
HOW TO CREATE A LEADERSHIP CAREER PLAN Can you confidently articulate your value to your company without hesitation? Are you positioning yourself to be visible and open to career advancement? Are you still waiting to be discovered? Most companies have strategic goals that guide them to greater profitability and productivity, but have you crafted your own strategic goals and multi-year career plan? How will you leverage your experience to propel your own growth and contribute to the development of your employer. In this session, Karen Hinds will help you answer those questions and give you a blueprint for a sound career plan.
BEST PRACTICES FOR HIRING, DEVELOPING, AND RETAINING WOMEN LEADERS IN HIGH TECH Join us for a provocative panel presentation and interactive dialogue highlighting best practices in hiring, retaining, developing and advancing women leaders in high tech. Panelists will share lessons learned and effective approaches for moving toward gender balance - at all levels - of organizations. Come to network with other movers and shakers in the science and technology community and be inspired while enjoying appetizers, wine, and dessert. Panelists:
WEST BOOK CLUB WEST is offering a book club for WEST members focusing on women's career advancement. We will have a meeting with a new book every other month. We would like participants to commit to four or six sessions to create a supportive community. Books include Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace, Disappearing Acts by Joyce Fletcher, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, and The Have It All Woman by Susan Sly
BECOMING MORE STRATEGIC Do you tend to focused on details and perfection rather than the bigger picture? This workshop led by Jodi Detjen talks about the five shifts that will help you move into a more strategic mindset, understand your value, and increase your impact.
A CONVERSATION ABOUT LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES WITH EDITH ONDERICK-HARVEY Join us for a Fireside Chat with Edith Onderick-Harvey about her book Getting Real: Strategies for Leadership in Today’s Innovation-Hungry, Time-Strapped, Multi-Tasking World of Work. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Sandra Glucksmann, Chief Operating Officer at Editas Medicine and WEST Board Chair.
ANNUAL NETWORKING NIGHT WEST’s Annual Networking Night is great opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded STEM professionals. Participate in facilitated networking activities designed to engage you with the wonderful women in the WEST community. Members of WEST come from a wide variety of countries and cultures. Come and celebrate our rich diversity, learn more about cross-cultural communication, and enjoy facilitated networking under the guidance of Principle of GTL Coaching & Consulting, LLC and WEST Board Member, Ali Farquhar.
ANNUAL NETWORKING NIGHT WEST’s Annual Networking Night is great opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded STEM professionals. Participate in facilitated networking activities designed to engage you with the wonderful women in the WEST community.
WANT TO INCREASE YOUR ODDS FOR SUCCESS? CHANGE YOUR MINDSET Research shows that 70% of change initiatives fail, not due to the quality of strategies, plans or tactics, but rather faulty execution. Procrastination, opportunity blindness, and mis-prioritization are at the core of execution gone wrong. Fortunately, this phenomenon has nothing to do with intelligence - it has everything to do with mindset - the set of beliefs that help us interpret and reach conclusions about the events and circumstances that we experience. Mindset either blocks the ability to execute or delivers powerful motivation in the face of setbacks and challenges. What can you do? To increase your odds of success, please join Claudette Rowley and Matt Edison of Play To Win Mindset for an eye opening and informative talk combining real business issues with the latest thinking in behavioral science, psychology and neuroscience. You will leave this talk with an actionable plan for how to identify and address hidden beliefs that hinder progress and lock in the optimal mindset to increase the odds for success for your most important change efforts.
PUBLIC FREAKING VS PUBLIC SPEAKING Do public speaking, interviewing or networking make you want to run for cover? Do you wish you could do these face to face interactions via email? Do nervousness and self-consciousness undermine your ability to share your passion and vision? This fun workshop will teach you physical, emotional and mental strategies that will enable you to bring your most confident and authentic self to all aspects of your work-life including leadership, public speaking, networking and interviewing. Amanda Hennessey and Peggy Lynn Romero will address those overwhelming nerves, self-consciousness, and what to focus on as you prepare. Vocal variety, tone, movement and other relevant topics will also be covered.
USING THE MYSTERIOUS FORCES WITHIN A COMPANY You are smart, successful, ambitious, and getting caught in the things you hate most -- office politics and culture -- the “mysterious forces” that can confuse you and derail your career. But there is hope -- when you understand the most powerful human and organizational dynamics flowing around you, you can navigate more effectively. Debbie Burke will present a model to help you observe and decode your enterprise atmosphere at micro and macro levels. The model can guide you to tune into subtle details and put them into a comprehensive, yet nuanced picture so you understand what is really going on. You will start putting your sociological detective work to use right in the workshop. Bring a brief description of one or two of your most challenging organizational conundrums so you can start untangling them and moving forward immediately. This session will be in workshop form – part presentation, part small group work, part individual planning.
CLAIMING YOUR PERSONAL VISION, MISSION, VALUES, AND EDGE Most of us have the desire to stand out, to feel as though we are making a difference… that it matters that we’re here and part of the team. Does it feel as though you’re not quite sure about how to differentiate yourself, how to leverage your strengths and gifts? Maybe you’re not even clear about what they are! Thanks to Marie Bankuti you can:
EFFECTIVE NETWORKING PRACTICES TO BUILD REWARDING RELATIONSHIPS For a variety of reasons, it is beneficial to be well networked. This program will cover effective ways to build and maintain a network. Participants will have a chance to practice what they learned and leave with practical tips that can be implemented right away. Topics covered include: The power of a network; finding networking opportunities, the elevator speech, event tips and how to work a room, follow-up, and relationship building. This program will be facilitated by Ellen Keiley, President of EMK Consulting Group.
THE NEW CEO: ALWAYS LEARNING AND SETTING THE TONE FOR INNOVATION ON DAY ONE This event is part of our inaugural Innovation Series that is comprised of panel discussions with biotech and technology industry’s most successful entrepreneurs and innovators on how they have created, nurtured, and inspired “Innovation Throughout the Company’s Life Cycle.” Panelists will discuss their first-hand experience in developing employee careers and advancing more talented women into senior positions. The CEO panel will discuss what motivated them to be CEOs, share early leadership lessons, competencies for success as well their experiences in building start-up companies. They will also discuss their leadership styles and how they build and develop their teams. Please come to network with other movers and shakers in the science and technology community and be inspired while enjoying appetizers, wine, and dessert. Panelists: Amy Schulman, CEO, Arsia Therapeutics
STRENGTH TO LEAD As a businessperson today, you are likely pulled in many directions, with not enough time in the day and a myriad of competing priorities. As stress increases from travel, lack of sleep, work and family demands, chemicals in your body automatically jump into action. The result is less than peak performance, trouble focusing and the risk of burnout. A simple exercise program changes the game completely, putting you back in control of your work and your life. Strength to Lead is a unique program for executives, managers, sales professionals, and business leaders who deal with high volume work and high stress on a regular basis. The program guides you through a proven methodology to combat stress efficiently and effectively. Designed over 23 years of direct work with CEO’s and business leaders, Strength to Lead is built with you in mind; the process is clear, concise and effective. The result is a strong body, strong mind and increased resilience, drive and stamina. The program facilitator is Exercise Physiologist Steve Satin.
A CONVERSATION ABOUT THE POLITICS OF PROMOTION WITH BONNIE MARCUS Join us for a Fireside Chat with Bonnie Marcus about her book The Politics of Promotion: How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Sandra Glucksmann, Chief Operating Officer at Editas Medicine and WEST Board Chair.
MASTERING THE GIVE AND TAKE OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK Good feedback is hard to come by. Often, people shy away from offering honest, constructive feedback, because they worry that the relationship will be damaged. Likewise, people often shy away from asking for feedback, for fear of what they may hear. If we only have our own perceptions to go on, our blind spots will keep us from developing to our full potential. And when we withhold important performance information from others, we keep ourselves comfortable at the cost of their development. Come to this interactive workshop by Ali Farquhar to learn about why it is hard to both give and get feedback, and develop some skills that will make it easier.
ENTREPRENEURIAL WEBINAR SERIES - FUNDING A START-UP Are you interested in starting a company – or joining a start-up? WEST's three part webinar will review the factors you need to consider before you make the leap into a start-up. This second webinar lead by Brian LaCroix of Jameson & Company and Bonnie Fendrock of Cyta Therapeutics, Inc. will discuss the nuts and bolts part of what you do to "follow the money" once you get it both with dilutive or non-dilutive funding. Bonnie will cover who has the money, why they invest, and things to cover. Brian will cover compliance, managing the funds, setting up accounting, and preparing for audits.
INDEPENDENT CONSULTING - GET OFF THE EMPLOYMENT MERRY GO ROUND AND WORK FOR YOURSELF It's often said that it takes a special kind of person to work for themselves. Truth is, it takes a special kind of person to work for someone else: an ability to confirm to a rigid schedule, meet the expectations of others, and put our own desires on hold. As an Independent Consultant, you work for yourself, set your own structure, your own hours, and your own work style. You prosper or perish because of what you do, not what someone else does. In this session on Independent Consulting, Jim Connell, the President of the Society of Independent Consultants, will review prerequisites, advantages, disadvantages, and resources for launching your career as a consultant.
USING MINDFULNESS TO STAY SANE IN A STRESSFUL WORLD In a hectic, volatile, complex, and uncertain world, being mindful is a challenge. Rather than experiencing the present, we tend either to dwell in the past, ruminating about the things we should have done, or in the future, worrying whether we will achieve the goals we think are necessary for our success and happiness. Meanwhile, in the present, we are endlessly stimulated by electronic devices, always-on social media, and a limitless supply of distractions that keep us from our priorities. Mindfulness may be just the remedy you've been looking for. Come and take a pause from the busyness and stress of your everyday lives; learn about the benefits of finding some calm within; and practice some mindfulness techniques that you can take home with you as your own personal antidote to stress. This workshop will be led by Alison (Ali) Farquhar, Principal of GTL Coaching & Consulting. Panelists will share examples and discuss:
ENTREPRENEURIAL WEBINAR SERIES - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Are you interested in starting a company – or joining a start-up? Whether you are working in a lab in a research institution or in a large company, the chances are that you may have thought about starting a company based on an idea that you have had – or joining a start-up that is being founded by some of your colleagues. This WEST three part webinar will review the factors you need to consider before you make the leap into a start-up. We will start with a review of Intellectual Property, including who is an inventor, what is patentable and how do you develop an IP strategy for a start-up company. Our next seminar will look at how you actually set-up your start-up – how do you actually incorporate? How do you develop your initial company pitch and how do you find resources including space? Our final webinar will consider funding, who has the money to invest in your start-up and how do you manage the funding once you have received it. This first webinar lead by Hemmie Chang and Hathaway Pease Russell will focus on Intellectual Property including inventorship, patents/patentable subject matter, IP strategy for start-ups, and how to license the technology from an institution if that is where the technology was developed.
A CONVERSATION ABOUT PERSONAL BRANDING AND MARKETING YOURSELF WITH RITA B. ALLEN Join us for a Fireside Chat with Rita B. Allen about her book Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself: The "Three Ps" Marketing Technique as a Guide to Career Empowerment. The discussion will be moderated by Kaitlynn Malinowski Arvidson, Career Placement Manager of Graduate Programs at Regis College. Whether you are seeking a new position, changing roles within an organization, or taking charge of your career planning, marketing yourself is the best way to seize these opportunities. Yet few of us are ready and able to talk about our talents, accomplishments, and the value we have to offer. In this engaging, timely, and informative book, acclaimed career and executive coach, trainer, and consultant Rita Balian Allen makes the case for personal branding as an essential ingredient for a successful career. For Rita and the many people who have sought her guidance, the Three Ps Marketing Technique has been the key: Preparation: Identify & Define Your Brand, Packaging: Create & Build Your Brand, Presentation: Enhance & Articulate Your Brand
COMPANY GROWTH: THRIVING ON CHANGE Following a very popular and successful first event, this is the second event of ourinaugural Innovation Series that is comprised of panel discussions with biotech and technology industry’s most successful entrepreneurs and innovators on how they have created, nurtured, and inspired “Innovation Throughout the Company’s Life Cycle.” Panelists will discuss their first-hand experience in developing employee careers and advancing more talented women into senior positions. Hear from CEOs who have successfully grown and evolved their companies. These leaders and entrepreneurs will discuss their leadership styles, company growing pains, changing personal and organizational skills as well as managing setbacks and driving innovation. Panelists include: Deborah Dunsire, Chief Executive Officer, Forum Pharmaceutics, Tillman Gerngross, Chief Executive Officer of Adimab and David Schenkein, Chief Executive Officer of Agios.
EFFECTIVE TRANSITION FROM ACADEMIA TO INDUSTRY Join us for this annual event to hear lessons learned from a variety of individual experiences and to learn the critical skills necessary for a smooth and effective transition. Panelists include individuals that have successfully made the transition from academia as well as a an experienced recruiter who has managed these kinds of transitions. Panel discussion moderated by Sandra Glucksmann, Chief Operating Officer, Editas Medicine. Panelists include: Do Yun Lee, Morgan Maeder, Nivedita Namdev, Tracy Nicholson, Deepak Reyon
SEVENTH ANNUAL GIVING BACK AWARDS AND SILENT AUCTION Please join WEST for our 7th Annual "Giving Back" Awards Ceremony, as we honor an extraordinary women that have made a profound societal impact. Join us to congratulate, inspire, learn, network, and support the advancement of women in the enterprise of science and technology careers! We will also honor WEST volunteers whose dedication and outreach efforts have helped WEST reach our strategic goals. Appetizers, wine, and dessert will be served. Whether shopping for your family, friends, home, or office, there is something for everyone at this year's Silent Auction Fundraiser – a plethora of wonderful and interesting items and services for sale from generous donors around the region! Proceeds from the auction will benefit our WEST mission, programs and operations – to provide high quality and affordable educational content and development opportunities (workshops/events) for all women in STEM careers.
PERSONALITY STYLES AND COMMUNICATION USING DISC This workshop focuses on developing greater self-awareness and stronger communication skills. The workshop is based on the DiSC Behavior Model, which groups behavioral responses into four clusters. This self-scoring behavioral learning instrument is a proven road map to interpersonal communications and teamwork. Prior to the workshop, you will complete the 10 minute online assessment. Kathy Ball-Toncic, CPCC will provide a background on different DiSC behavioral styles and help you understand and learn from your own profile. The workshop uses content and interactive exercises to help participants understand differences and how best to leverage their own style when dealing with others who may have a different style. There will be lots of practical and actionable strategies for communicating, influencing, and collaborating more effectively with colleagues, bosses or in work teams or even family and friends. COMPANY CULTURE: HOW TO RETAIN CREATIVITY AS THE COMPANY MATURES WEST is delighted to announce our 2014-2015 a new series titled “Innovation Across the Company’s Life Cycle." This inspiring series will feature entrepreneurial executives from the biotech and technology sectors who will share their insights on creating and building companies. They will also discuss the importance of developing their employees’ careers throughout the company’s life cycle, and how to help advance more talented women into senior positions. In this panel discussion hear from CEOs who have taken innovative companies and grown them into successful entities while retaining a sense of entrepreneurship and innovation. These extraordinary role models will share their stories of creating a vibrant culture of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit as their company flourishes and advances successfully to a product stage company. Panelists: John Maraganore, CEO, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals; Adelene Perkins, CEO, Infinity Pharmaceuticals; and Abbie Celniker, CEO, Eleven Biotherapeutics.
CAREER POSSIBILITIES: SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT Do you want to define your value proposition, explore career possibilities, and be inspired by women who used their science and technical training to advance their careers in different directions? Join us for WEST’s Annual Career Possibilities Event. The evening will start with facilitated networking, so you can meet the other attendees and panelists. This will be followed by a panel discussion to learn more about each panelist and their key lessons learned. Then you will have the opportunity to break into small groups and talk with the different panelists.
A POSITIVE MENTAL SHIFT: DEAL WITH WORRY AND ANXIETY SO THAT YOU CAN ENJOY YOUR CAREER AND LIFE If you are reading this, you likely care deeply about having a great career and life. But sometimes this care brings its "dark side" along for the ride: you feel anxious, worried, overwhelmed, or plain-old stressed out. These feelings eat at you on the inside and rob you from enjoying the very fruits of your labor. What a bum deal! In this interactive seminar, you will learn how and why your mind generates stressful feelings, and how to direct your thoughts and energy into pursuits that bring you more success and joy. This workshop will be led by Dr. Samantha Sutton of Samantha Sutton, Ph.D. Life Solutions.
FIRESIDE CHAT WITH CAROLE SACINO Join us for a Fireside Chat with Carole Sacino about her book Build Your A-Game: Be Seen—Be Heard—Be Remembered. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session.
HAVE MORE IMPACT IN LESS TIME Discover how to have greater calm and clarity, be more valued, and free yourself from the web that pulls you in many directions at once. Join us in an interactive workshop that helps you harness the power of your inner leader to get the outer life you want. The workshop will be led by Christine Duvivier, MBA, MAPP. What you come away with:
WEST BOOK CLUB WEST is offering a book club for WEST members focusing on women's career advancement. We will have a meeting with a new book every other month. We would like participants to commit to the four sessions to create a supportive community. We will have a facilitator for each discussion group who will have read the book, so those who do not finish the whole book should still feel comfortable attending and joining in the conversation. We understand people get busy at certain times of the year and may not get to finish every book. This session's books include Being Strategic: Plan for Success; Out-think Your Competitors; Stay Ahead of Change by Erika Andersen, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain, and Stop Playing Safe: Rethink Risk. Unlock the Power of Courage. Achieve Outstanding Success by Margie Warrell.
AN EVENING WITH PAUL LEVY AND FARZANA MOHAMED Join us for an evening with Paul Levy and Farzana Mohamed about their book How to Negotiate Your First Job. This will be an interactive conversation about how to navigate what is likely to be the first important negotiation many people transitioning to the world of work will face: Negotiating the terms and conditions of their employment.
BRIDGING THE GENDER GAP IN STEM: HELPING WOMEN THRIVE IN A TRADITIONALLY MALE DOMAIN Certain sectors of STEM have proven challenging for women to break into and reaching the top tiers of management and leadership remains discouraging for women. Come and engage in an open conversation on how to craft a successful career as a woman in a predominantly male environment. A panel discussion with experienced managers and leaders aims to provide concrete tips and success strategies when forging a career as a significant gender minority. Our moderator will lead the panel in a spirited conversation organized around a number of case studies drawn from the WEST community that describe challenging situations that women sometimes encounter at work. Our panel will offer tips on how to handle delicate or difficult situations including gender bias, communication differences, influence, seemingly overt sexism, and other challenging issues. Please come to network with other movers and shakers in the science and technology community and enjoy appetizers, wine, dessert, and coffee to round out an enjoyable and inspirational evening.
HOW TO PRESENT YOURSELF IN AN INTERVIEW WEBINAR Want to learn how to present yourself in the best way during an interview? Learn how to not only to approach companies and individuals of interest, but how to present yourself in the best, honest way in an interview. This program will be a blend of presentation and hands on experience so you leave with tools and confidence. Alice Koehn Benson will present and discuss strategies and approaches for having a positive productive interview. Alice brings over 25 years of experience in interviewing having spent 11 years in Human Resources and over 15 in executive search.
BE YOUR BEST SELF, AND THE RESULT WILL FOLLOW WEBINAR Have you ever heard the saying “the world is a mirror of yourself”? Take an inventory: are you 100% proud of who you are "being" in your daily life? If you aren’t, then this webinar is for you. Dr. Sutton will help you identify what you want to be known for in your workplace: is it integrity? Vision? Generosity? These traits make up your own unique personal brand of “super hero." Dr. Samantha Sutton will show you how to cultivate those traits in your life so that you can be your best self each day, and have that reflected back at you in the results you get.
WEST’s Annual Networking Night is great opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded STEM professionals. Participate in facilitated networking activities designed to engage you with the wonderful women in the WEST community. In keeping with our summer series theme of First Impressions, we will also have a group discussion and share some of our previous first impression lessons learned.
How you present yourself matters. First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics including age, culture, gender, physical appearance, facial expression, posture, and voice. First impressions can greatly affect how you are treated and viewed in many contexts of your everyday life. Therefore, you want to take control of the many of factors influencing how people see you. Sandra Glucksmann, Ph.D., will discuss tips for making great first impressions. Sandra brings 21 years of senior management and leadership experience in biotech.
BUILDING RESILIENCE TO THRIVE IN A CHANGING WORLD Our lives are challenging whether we work in the lab or in the office: we may face demanding assignments, difficult colleagues, insufficient time, perfectionism, resources constraints and conflicting demands. In our personal lives we may wrestle with concern for our families, a difficult job search, poor health, or money trouble. Most of us cope – but what does it take to move past mere coping, and actually thrive alongside our challenges? Resilience is the key: it is both a characteristic and a buildable skill. This interactive workshop will examine how we experience stress and offer strategies for thinking and acting with resilience. Science and technology panelists will share examples of how resilience has improved their research, careers, and personal wellness. Workshop Leader and Panelists: Gabriele Ganswindt, Founder of Shared Learning International, Sandra Glucksmann, Chief Operating Officer at Editas Medicine Inc, and Heather Bell, VP Program Management, IT/Operations at AstraZeneca.
YOUR PERSONAL BRAND THE KEY TO CAREER MANAGEMENT Is there a secret to why some people have successful careers and others don’t? With so much buzz about personal branding, do you find yourself confused about what it really is? This workshop will demystify the process. Participants will learn what personal branding is (and isn’t) and why it’s important, gain clarity on their values, passions, talents and interests, understand how your personal brand differentiates you, and appreciate how to leverage your brand to successfully manage your career. The workshop will be led by Susan Peppercorn of Positive Workplace Partners. NEGOTIATING PAY & BENEFITS: A SCRIPT
June 11, 2014, 6:00-8:30 PM Ann T. finally got an offer from her dream company and did not want to jeopardize it yet she knew she needed to play the entire hiring game and negotiate her pay. She was happy she did. With the knowledge she gained from my coaching she negotiated a salary package 15% higher than the initial offer. People who negotiate pay can earn an extra million dollars in their career. Women are hearing this message and know they should negotiate. Women are hearing about all the tactics and strategies they should use when negotiating. Women are not hearing the answers to a very common concern. What do I say? This presentation answers that concern with scripts for the most common of situations in the manner of negotiation most comfortable and successful for women, the collaborative approach. Learn what to say to: start the negotiation, promote accomplishments without bragging, and if the manager says no. Throughout the session, you will gain some insights into what management is thinking during the process. This workshop will be led by Katie Donovan of Equal Pay Negotiations.
WOMEN, INNOVATION, AND DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES WEST is hosting a panel of C-Suite women at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for an event called: "Women, Innovation, & Disruptive Technologies." Wendy Cebula, COO of EdX, Anna Protopapas, President at Takeda/Millennium and Deb Theobold, CEO at Vecna Technologies, Inc. will discuss innovation, disruptive technologies, and the role that women can play in enabling innovation and change. Please come and enjoy a warm welcome, collegial networking, as well as appetizers, wine, dessert and coffee to round out an enjoyable and inspirational evening. Join the festivities and meet these talented innovators who have achieved success. Be moved and inspired by the stories and lessons learned by these exceptional women. Network with the movers and shakers in the science and technology community.
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO WORK FOR YOUR GOALS INSTEAD OF AGAINST THEM With all of the excellent tips and tactics you have learned in seminars (like these!) and read on the web, you likely know what you need to do to have a great career and life: Ask for what I want. Network. Figure out my brand. Make time for myself. Exercise more. Say ‘NO.’ And yet, many of us still feel stuck. The reason is that we are not logical beings, but rather, human ones. Our minds are complicated, emotional, associative places that produce staggering works of genius and also staggering amounts of self-sabotage. In this seminar, you will learn how to use your most precious asset, your brain, to work FOR your goals instead of AGAINST them. You will understand the neurological processes underlying your daily decisions, stressors, and thoughts, and how to leverage them in more constructive ways. You will leave with a set of “exercises” to train your brain to be a lean, mean, dream-getting machine. This workshop will be led by Dr. Samantha Sutton of Samantha Sutton, Ph.D. Life Solutions.
USING MINDFULNESS TO STAY SANE IN A STRESSFUL WORLD In a hectic, volatile, complex, and uncertain world, being mindful is a challenge. Rather than experiencing the present, we tend either to dwell in the past, ruminating about the things we should have done, or in the future, worrying whether we will achieve the goals we think are necessary for our success and happiness. Meanwhile, in the present, we are endlessly stimulated by electronic devices, always-on social media, and a limitless supply of distractions that keep us from our priorities. Mindfulness may be just the remedy you've been looking for. Come and take a pause from the busyness and stress of your everyday lives; learn about the benefits of finding some calm within; and practice some mindfulness techniques that you can take home with you as your own personal antidote to stress. This workshop will be led by Alison (Ali) Farquhar, Principal of GTL Coaching & Consulting.
A FIRESIDE CHAT WITH JOHN BUTMAN Join us for a Fireside Chat with John Butman about his book BREAKING OUT: How to Build Influence in a World of Competing Ideas. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Alison (Ali) Farquhar, Principal of GTL Coaching & Consulting.
A FIRESIDE CHAT WITH BETSY MYERS Join us for a Fireside Chat with Betsy Myers about her book Take the Lead: Motivate, Inspire, and Bring Out the Best in Yourself and Everyone Around You. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Debbie Dean, Vice President at Dassault Systèmes.
INFLUENCING WITHOUT AUTHORITY Everyone needs to be able to influence. In some situations we do pretty well, but we all have situations that we walk away from thinking that we really didn’t feel heard. We often blame the other person for not listening. However, all relationships are 50-50. We each share equal responsibility for speaking and listening. Sometimes, in difficult situations though, our emotions can get in the way of us being effective. The Positive Power and Influence Programs gives you options. Sherri Malouf, President and Master Trainer of Situation Management System, Inc., developers of the Positive Power and Influence Program, will be leading the engaging, fun, and experiential learning session on Influencing without Authority.
THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET AND RESILIENCY Resilience seems to be the new catch phrase. People and cities are touted as resilient. But what does it really mean to be resilient? And how does one get resilient? Is it a genetic dice roll? Or is it learnable? The answer is both. The field of resiliency has a long history of psychological research and much is known that can help us in our day-to-day struggles. Eleanor Chin will shed light on some of the psychological and emotional concepts that make up what we call resilience and share some strategies for learning to be more psychologically hardy in the face of adversity. Eleanor has studied with Martin Seligman (Learned Optimism) and Karen Reivich (The Resilience Factor) and has taught in University of Pennsylvania’s program to teach resiliency to the US Army. Over 12,000 soldiers have learned to be more resilient and we can too.
MASTERING TIME Your relationship with time is one of the most important relationships in your life. Ending the struggle with time leaves you free, happy and productive. In this seminar, you will learn the basics of relating powerfully to time. You will discover the solution to procrastination, overwhelm and ineffectiveness. You will learn how to organize yourself, plan brilliantly and most importantly, feel more joy and success in both your everyday activities and your most heart-felt endeavors. This workshop will be led by Laurie Gerber, Handel Group Life Coaching.
THE INVESTOR'S PERSPECTIVE What do investors look for in deciding about strategic investments? What strategies and communication tactics work best when presenting to potential investors? What are the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when seeking funding? How is corporate investing for internal “new ventures” different from investing in start-ups? Come and learn from three industry veterans with perspectives from corporate, venture capital and angel investing. Whether you are currently seeking funding or just want to understand the process of securing capital to launch and grow new ventures… you’ll find this panel discussion on financing entrepreneurship informative and stimulating. Come for a lively discussion and networking with other entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and supporters of innovation in science and technology. Panel Discussion and Networking with the following women: Dr. Lauren Silverman, Jean Hammond, and Jean George.
COCKTAILS AND CONVERSATION Enjoy networking and the artwork at Doffie Project and keep in mind 80% of the proceeds from art sales will benefit WEST, Art in Giving, and Get Konnected. Special guests include Boston Globe Columnist, Derrick Jackson and Journalist/ Photographer, David Arnold.
A FIRESIDE CHAT WITH JODI DETJEN Join us for a Fireside Chat with Jodi Detjen about her book The Orange Line - A Women's Guide to Integrating Career, Family and Life. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conversation with the author followed by a question and answer session and a related exercise. The discussion will be moderated by Debbie Dean, Vice President, DS Americas General Counsel, Legal Department. The Orange Line™ provides a radically different insight into why women intentionally and subconsciously hold themselves and each other back. The Orange Line™ discussion emerges from interviews cataloging the anecdotes, successes and career experiences of 118 college-educated women from across the US. These interviews illuminate a pattern where women adhere to outdated ideals and rules of how to act, defining the idealized woman. Jodi will show how these rules can be reframed, thereby enabling women to successfully integrate their career and life. Finally, we can have it all.
EFFECTIVE TRANSITION FROM ACADEMIA TO INDUSTRY Learn the critical skills necessary for a smooth and effective transition from academia to industry. Join us for this annual event to hear lessons learned from a variety of individual experiences. Panel discussion moderated by Lauren Celano, Founder and CEO of Propel Careers. Panelist include: - Andrea Habura, Ph.D., R&D Scientist, Next Advance, Inc - Mary Rose Scozzafava, Ph.D., Partner, WilmerHale - Susan Ward, Ph.D., Executive Advisor to Life Science Companies - Alison M. O'Neill, MD, Senior Medical Director, Sanofi Oncology
BUILDING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM LEADERSHIP - UNLEASHING POTENTIAL AT ALL LEVELS What makes a good leader? The age old question – are leaders born or made? The fact is leaders are found everywhere and at every level of an organization. Leadership competencies and capabilities can be developed and achieved by all. The focus of this discussion will include identifying practices, principles and behaviors that result in effective individual and team leadership creating an environment of trust and ultimately collaboration. This will be an interactive dialogue where participants will be introduced to methodologies and processes that are essential aspects of team leadership including competency development and planning, action learning, coaching and mentoring. This workshop will be lead by Rita Balian Allen. She is President of Rita B. Allen Associates, a provider of career management consulting and coaching services for individuals and organizations representing a variety of industries including high technology, biotechnology, medical devices/pharmaceuticals, higher education, healthcare and retail/consumer products.
GET ON BOARD: INSIDE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to serve on a board, are already on a board, or work with a board, join us for Get on Board! The panelists are directors of both for-profit and nonprofit organization boards, and will address issues relating to service as directors, including the combinations of skills and experiences that boards are seeking, how to best position yourself for nonprofit or for-profit board candidacy, resources available to help you identify and take advantage of both paid and volunteer board opportunities, what it’s like to serve as a director on a board, and issues particular to women on boards. Panel Discussion and Networking with the following women: D’Anne Hurd, Alison Lawton, Ellen Richstone, and Sophie Vandebroek
WEST BOOK CLUB WEST is offering a book club for WEST members focusing on women's career advancement. We will have a meeting with a new book every other month. Meeting over four sessions help to create a supportive community. We will have a facilitator for each discussion group who will have read the book, so those who do not finish the whole book should still feel comfortable attending and joining in the conversation. We understand people get busy at certain times of the year and may not get to finish every book. We have selected the first three books based on member suggestions. The last book will be selected based on the group's discussions and interests as the book club meets. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM Location: Dassault Systèmes, 175 Wyman Street, Water Building, Waltham, MA 02451 Cost: Members: $50; Book Club and Annual Membership: $135
SIXTH ANNUAL GIVING BACK AWARDS Please join WEST for our 6th Annual "Giving Back" Awards Ceremony, as we honor an extraordinary woman that has made a profound societal impact. This year's awardee is Paula Apsell. Paula is Senior Executive Producer for NOVA and NOVA SCIENCENOW and Director of WGBH Science Unit. We are also awarding WEST volunteers for their outstanding work in helping WEST reach our strategic goals. Join us to congratulate, inspire, learn, network, and support the advancement of women in science and technology careers! Appetizers, wine, dessert, and coffee will be served.
Whether shopping for your family, friends, home, or office, there is something for everyone at this year's Silent Auction Fundraiser - a plethora of wonderful and interesting items and services for sale from generous donors around the region! Proceeds from the auction will benefit our WEST mission, programs, and operations - to provide high quality and affordable educational content and development opportunities (workshops/events) for all women in STEM careers. 2013
FIRESIDE CHAT WITH MARJAN KAMALI Join us for a Fireside Chat with Marjan Kamali about her book Together Tea. Perfect for a mother-daughter outing or an evening of interesting socializing. The evening will start with networking and continue on with a conservation and reading by the author followed by a question and answer session. The discussion will be moderated by Deborah Smith, Enterprise & Partner Group Sales Manager at Microsoft Corporation and WEST Board member.
CAREER POSSIBILITIES: SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT Do you want to define your value proposition, explore career possibilities, and be inspired by women who have grown their science and technology careers in different directions? Then join us for WEST's annual career possibilities panel discussion and speed networking night! Panelists include: Jane Amara, Michaela Levin, Deborah Palestrant, Erika Reynoso, Alice Rushforth, and Sandra Glucksmann.
AWAKEN THE SLEEPING GIANT: 5 DRIVERS OF INNOVATION IN ANY ENVIRONMENT Any firm, no matter how large or small, whether it’s been around for 100 years or 10 years, needs to think about how to get to what’s next. You don’t have to be Steve Jobs to have the next great idea or create the next great product. What you need is a culture with the five key drivers that spark innovation and take those ideas to reality. This engaging, interactive session explores the five key drivers of innovation in any environment and shows you how to use that business event we all hate – meetings – to drive innovation. In this session, participants will learn: The big and small ideas that create innovation, the five drivers of innovation that any company can build into their culture, and how to format meetings for innovation conversations. Edith Onderick-Harvey is a Consultant, Speaker, and Internationally Recognized Leadership and Talent Development Expert will lead this workshop.
A CONVERSATION WITH DEBORAH DUNSIRE Join with us for a conversation with Deborah Dunsire, President and CEO Envivo Pharmaceuticals. Learn about the opportunities and challenges of translating science into business and network with a great group. The event is part of ongoing effort to bring WEST programs to the Route 128/Waltham area and is being carried out jointly with Bentley University’s Center for the Integration of Science and Industry and the Center for Women and Business.
BUILDING A STRATEGIC NETWORK Objectives: Participants will leave the workshop with: - A clear strategic vision for their next networking experience. - A set of tactics that align with and support this vision. - A list of steps they can take to better engage new network contacts – online and offline. 6:00-6:10pm: Registration and light dinner 6:10-6:40pm: Facilitated introductions and building your brand by practicing your pitch 6:40-7:40pm: Training on developing your own strategic vision for your network 7:40-8:40pm: Senior women panel discussion on the value of networking and their stories 8:40-9:00pm: Networking ESCAPE CAREER QUICKSAND: TIPS TO GET UNSTUCK AND CATAPULT YOUR CAREER
October 24, 2013, 6:00-9:00 PM Do you feel stuck and invisible in the organization no matter how hard you work? You see others getting promoted and you don't understand why you're not getting ahead. Once you are stuck in career quicksand, it is unlikely that you will get out unless you are savvy and can think strategically about the best way out. The harder you work, the more it works against you and this goes against everything we've been taught about how to succeed. This workshop will be lead by Bonnie Marcus. Award winning entrepreneur and Forbes contributing writer, Bonnie Marcus, M.Ed., has real conversations for real women about real situations in the workplace today. In this workshop, you will receive an escape kit to catapult your career upward and you will discover: - The common reasons women get stuck in career quicksand. - How to avoid the pitfalls that keep you from propelling your career forward. - The tools to promote and position yourself for career success. THE MANAGER'S MAGIC POTION
October 10, 2013, 6:00-9:00 PM Almost as easy as waving a magic wand, this practice will save you time, develop staff and increase innovation. As if that weren't enough, with these five easy inquiries you will more easily delegate, manage performance and reward your stars. In short, you will run a more productive and motivated organization. What is the Magic Potion? This workshop will be lead by Julie Lynch, Principal of Uncommon Consulting. She is an expert in motivation, management and meaningful work and brings 20 years of experience in executive and management development, organizational effectiveness and HR leadership roles.
Five simple inquiries - translated into your own words – that can help you: · Identify and motivate your star employees · Identify performance problems · Delegate more effectively · Develop your staff · Save loads of time · Make you a tremendously better manager
DESIGN STRONG RELATIONSHIPS When an individual’s life is “working well,” it means that their relationships are likely thriving. When life isn't working well, there are probably relationships that could use fixing. Strong relationships are built on clear communication, a commitment to a shared vision and a willingness to face the truth together. In this seminar, we explore how participants relate to others in their lives: significant others, family, friends, coworkers or community members. We teach participants how to design thriving relationships by identifying relationship issues and addressing those issues. We show participants how to speak with compassion and still deliver a straight message. By using our techniques, participants learn how to work through hurt feelings, mistakes and resolve conflicts so that their relationships become a source of joy. This workshop will be lead by Dr. Samantha Sutton. Samantha earned a Ph.D. in Biological Engineering at MIT, and then decided that she wanted help advance science and technology by helping the scientists and technologists themselves.
September 19, 2013, 6:00-9:00 PM This workshop focuses on developing greater self-awareness and stronger people skills. This DiSC workshop begins with a short but powerful assessment based on the DiSC Dimensions of Behavior Model, which groups behavioral responses into four clusters. This self-scoring behavioral learning instrument is a proven road map to interpersonal communications and teamwork. Then Kathy Ball-Toncic, CPCC will provide a background on different DiSC facets and help you self-assess your own profile. The workshop uses content and interactive exercises to help participants understand difference and how best to leverage their own style when dealing with others who may have a different profile to their own. There will be lots of practical and actionable strategies for communicating, influencing, and collaborating more effectively.
September 2013 - July 2014, 6:00-9:00 PM
WEST is offering a book club for WEST members focusing on women's career advancement. We will have a meeting with a new book every other month. We would like participants to commit to a full year to create a supportive community. We will have a facilitator for each discussion group. Sign ups will be limited to keep the discussion groups at a nice size.
August 8, 2013, 5:00 - 8:00 PM WEST, XX in Health, Venture Café, and mosaicHUB invite you to a special 'Women's Night' at the Venture Café with fun, food, drinks, and featured panels/breakout sessions. The Venture Café was created to provide a resource for the Boston entrepreneurial and innovation communities. The mission is to enable fresh and useful conversations. The Venture Café serves as a nexus for helping innovators and entrepreneurs find one another and collaborate to bring their dreams to reality. The shared physical spaces provide common meeting ground and a forum for semi-serendipitous encounters that often foster brainstorming and drive creativity. Networking and Information Tables with XX in Health, WITI Boston, and WEST.
CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND UNDERSTANDING WITH FACILITATED NETWORKING Members of WEST come from a wide variety of countries and cultures. Come and celebrate our rich diversity, learn more about cross-cultural communication, and enjoy facilitated networking under the guidance of Communications Specialist and WEST Board Member, Tom Kennedy.
INTEGRATING OFFLINE & ONLINE TACTICS TO BUILD A POWERFUL, STRATEGIC NETWORK Digital networking has reached critical mass and the proliferation of mobile devices is only fueling the trend. Networking as we know it is changing radically as just-in-time access (to data, people, resources, information) becomes critical to maintaining career relevance. Going to “offline” networking events is a start, but it’s not going to get you where you need to be long-term. Having a cohesive plan for fortifying your face-to-face efforts with digital touch points gives you an edge over others who do not. Join us for an interactive session where we will help you identify the key elements you need to creating the network that supports your professional ambitions today and in the future. Mari Anne Snow is CEO and founder of SophiaThink Consulting, a digital strategy company based in Boston, MA.
The terms strategy and tactics are often confused: tactics are the means used to accomplish an objective, while strategy is the overall plan within a broader context. As technical experts, we are often trained and rewarded for getting things done – highly focused on the tactical aspects without having a clear understanding of the overall strategy. Strategic thinking involves long term planning, determining priorities, and identifying potential risks and opportunities. In addition, strategic thinking becomes increasingly important in the higher levels of an organization. During this workshop you will learn how to increase the value you bring to an organization by focusing your efforts on long-term impact activities, in addition to short-range implementation. This interactive workshop will also enable participants to learn the theory and fundamentals of strategic thinking, and gain tools and practice to implement these skills in your current position. This workshop will be lead by Gwen Acton, PhD who is CEO of Vivo Group.
INSIGHTS INTO PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS "Insights into Personal Effectiveness” will enable participants to recognize how their key constituents perceive them and the work they are doing. Participants will understand how their own behavioral tendencies and preferences are perceived in the workplace. Participants will learn to make any needed adaptations to increase the effectiveness of their communication and leadership efforts. Additionally, participants will learn to comprehend the preferred communication and interactive styles of others by understanding behavioral cues. With over 20 years of experience in the role of Senior Human Resources Leader, Maura Snow, has helped technical professionals improve their interaction and leadership skills in a variety of industries.
UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MENTORING/COACHING/SPONSORSHIP AND HOW TO FIND INDIVIDUALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CAREER Learn the difference between mentoring, coaching and sponsorship and how each of these three activities are important for your talent and career development. Coaches and mentors can help you gain the skills and confidence to advance your career. Sponsors actively champion your career advancement both within and outside on your work environment. The workshop will not only discuss the importance of mentoring, coaching and sponsorship but also teach you how to go about finding people that can play these roles. This workshop will be lead by Sandra Glucksmann, WEST Board Chair and SVP of Research and Development at Cerulean Pharma.
You are invited to the sixth annual Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology Leadership Awards celebrating women who have demonstrated notable entrepreneurial leadership in science and technology. Join the festivities and meet the honorees who are talented innovators who have achieved entrepreneurial success either within larger organizations, or in starting their own companies. Be moved and inspired by the stories these exceptional women share, network with the movers and shakers in the Science and Technology community. You will not want to miss this remarkable event. Appetizers, wine, dessert, and coffee will be served. Honorees: Michele Flynn, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, Whippers Naomi Fried, Chief Innovation Officer, Children's Hospital Marilyn Matz, CEO and Co-Founder, Paradigm4 Lynne Wilson, CEO of the 3DVIA Brand, Dassault Systemes
ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND PRESENTATION COACHING You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Strong communication skills will help you create good and lasting impressions on others. Some individuals are naturally good at interpersonal communication while others develop their skills overtime through practice. Come and learn how to develop strong communication skills that will help you be effective and allow you to adapt your own communication style with difference individuals and audiences. Most senior managers and leaders agree that effective communication and presentation skills make a definitive difference in growing your career and being promoted into challenging roles. In this interactive workshop led by Tom Kennedy, Former WBZ News Anchor and CEO Communications Coach, you will engage in advanced tools for effective communication that will enable you to boost your success in your career and in business. You will also learn presentation skills such as knowing your audience and focusing your message. Participants will be video taped giving a short presentation, which they will receive feedback on.
LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES FOR ADVANCING YOUR CAREER IN SCIENCE Sandra Glucksmann, WEST Board Chair and SVP of Research and Development at Cerulean Pharma, will share stories of her career challenges and success. She will discuss how to best apply your scientific and analytical abilities to develop influence and negotiation skills. Sandra will share her learning experiences as she transitioned from bench scientist to manager, and from manager to executive in both small and large company settings. She will touch on the following topics: Understanding the difference between leadership and management, leadership abilities and competencies, leadership styles, female leadership styles, and practical tools for leadership (communication, negotiation, leading effective teams, and leadership without authority).
DESIGN YOUR LIFE A workshop by Dr. Samantha Sutton of The Handel Group. Whether you are looking to build stronger relationships at home or at work, get past overwhelm and procrastination to become a master in time design, or take the next step in your career, this workshop introduces you to tools that will help you get there. Samantha will show you how to dig deep to articulate what you truly want in your life, and how to replace limiting thoughts, excuses, and beliefs with new ones that are beneficial. You will pick one area of life that you most want to impact, and create a plan-of-attack for moving forward toward your dreams in that area. The workshop offers practical tools and step-by-step methods, including structured dialogue, self-analysis, writing exercises and live coaching.
THE KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management can be seen as a set of technical tools to manage people, resources, and time in a structured way to accomplish a given objective. It is true that there are useful PM tools and some of those will be touched on in this workshop. However, the main differentiator between a well managed project and a poorly managed one, is the style and approach of the Project Manager. Skills such as influence, change management, resolving conflict, foreseeing and avoiding bottlenecks (human or otherwise), problem solving, and maintaining energy towards the ultimate goal are all leadership capacities that the savvy Project Manager uses to her advantage. Come and learn some lessons from a seasoned and successful Project Manager, Susan Rogers, Project Consultant at Fresenius Medical Care.
April 2, 2013, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Good feedback is hard to come by. Often, people shy away from offering honest, constructive feedback, because they worry that the relationship will be damaged. Likewise, people often shy away from asking for feedback, for fear of what they may hear. If we only have our own perceptions to go on, our blind spots will keep us from developing to our full potential. And when we withhold important performance information from others, we keep ourselves comfortable at the cost of their development. Come to this interactive workshop lead by Ali Farquhar to learn about why it is hard to both give and get feedback, and develop some skills that will make it easier.
INTERVIEWING AND RESUME WRITING Starting a job search can be a daunting process no matter where you are in your career. There is a lot of competition for jobs and companies want to hire the absolute best. So how do you ensure you are one of the lucky ones that get to interview for the job you want? First, you start with telling your story through your resume. You’re heard the horror stories about that recruiter who only looks at your resume for a matter of seconds and if you don’t have “what they’re looking for” they move on. Take heart, this isn’t true of all HR departments and hiring managers. The goal is to target your job search, apply for jobs for which you are qualified, and then ensure your resume speaks to what the hiring manager is seeking. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to get noticed and how about those pesky cover letters? Once you get an interview, we’ll talk about selling yourself to a stranger. It’s about having a conversation and providing insight to who you are, what you’ve accomplished and how you can help a new company achieve its goals. Your work starts long before you step foot in an interviewers office, so we’ll talk about researching a prospective employer, questions you should be prepared to ask and questions you need to ask. Remember, you are interviewing a new employer just as much as they are interviewing you! Workshop run by Heather McGotty, Director of Human Resources at Welch's.
JOURNEY TO THE TOP: LESSONS LEARNED ALONG THE WAY WEST is hosting a panel of C-Suite women at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for an event called: "Journey to the Top: Lessons Learned Along the Way." Adelene Perkins, Deb Besemer, Kirk Arnold, and Joanna Horobin, four women who have defied the statistics to reach the top of their organizations, will share what they learned on their career journeys and offer advice to other women who would like to follow in their footsteps. This panel discussion will be moderated by Alice Koehn Benson, Executive Vice President at Coulter Partners. Appetizers, wine, dessert, and coffee will be served.
THE VALUE BUILDER Workshop run by Fredia Woolf, President of Woolf Consulting, Catalyzing Transformational Breakthroughs for Leaders and Teams. Come and Learn the 5-V approach to building your own Value and Confidence as an Upcoming Leader Value – how to identify, articulate and develop strengths, and re-vision your résumé Values – how to recognize your personal bottom line, set boundaries, resolve internal conflicts, and make trade-offs Vision – create an inspiring personal vision and clear the obstacles to putting it into action Visibility – make strategic choices about where, when and how to be visible, and create an outreach strategy Voice – develop confidence and “executive presence”, through more effective communication up, down and laterally, within your organization and outside of it. Women who gain clarity about and practice these five V's have an excellent basis for developing a strong personal brand and a strategic career path.
ANATOMY OF A BLINDSIDE Workshop given by Bonnie Marcus, M.Ed, CEC, Certified Executive Coach, Forbes contributing writer The workplace is a highly politicized environment where key decisions about who gets ahead, who gets plum assignments, and who gets the scarce resources are not just decided on merit, but politics. Everyone talks about the glass ceiling and how women need to knock on the glass ceiling to get ahead. What’s really going on is that there is a political power grid that holds women back, not a glass ceiling, and this power grid is so hidden and buried that women don’t even know it exists. And because they don’t know it exists, they can accidentally step on something and get blindsided. During this presentation, attendees will learn:
EFFECTIVE TRANSITION FROM ACADEMIA TO INDUSTRY Learn the critical skills necessary for a smooth and effective transition from academia to industry. Lessons learned from a variety of individual experiences. Panelist to include:
Panel discussion moderated by Gwen Acton, former WEST President and President of Vivo Group. Article: From Academic Solos to Industrial Symphonies
WEST's 5th ANNUAL "GIVING BACK" AWARDS CEREMONY Please join WEST for our 5th Annual "Giving Back" Awards Ceremony, as we honor three extraordinary women that have made a profound societal impact Toni Wolfman - Executive Advisor of the Center for Women and Business at Bentley University. See her bio, HERE. We will also honor WEST volunteers and interns. Wine, Hors d'oeuvres, a three course meal will be served.
CAREER POSSIBILITIES: SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT Do you want to define your value proposition, explore career possibilities, and be inspired by women who have grown their science and technology careers in different directions? Panel Discussion and Networking with the following women: Renuka Babu, MBA - Director of New Ventures in the Office of Technology Development at Boston University
INFLUENCING WITHOUT AUTHORITY Sherri Malouf, President and Master Trainer of Situation Management System, Inc., developers of the Positive Power and Influence Program, will be leading the engaging, fun and experiential learning session "Influencing without Authority. Sherri is entrepreneurial, a seasoned professional trainer and consultant with over thirty years experience. she is highly effective working with different levels of people in a variety of industries. Sherri has delivered training programs and coached individuals in both the public and private sector in the areas of influence negotiation, leadership and team building.
FALL NETWORKING EVENT Come and network! Learn about what WEST has in store for you this year. INFLUENCING WITHOUT AUTHORITY Sherri Malouf, President and Master Trainer of Situation Management System, Inc., developers of the Positive Power and Influence Program, will be leading the engaging, fun and experiential learning session "Influencing without Authority. Sherri is entrepreneurial, a seasoned professional trainer and consultant with over thirty years experience. she is highly effective working with different levels of people in a variety of industries. Sherri has delivered training programs and coached individuals in both the public and private sector in the areas of influence negotiation, leadership and team building. During the session, you will:
In preparation for the meeting, please think about a challenging influence situation, as you will apply the influence styles to thinking through how to deal with this situation more effectively.
WEST FALL EXECUTIVE WOMEN'S DINNER WEST's first Women's Executive Dinner kicking off the season with a women CEO panel discussing the topic of Challenges facing women CEO's in the current economic climate.
WEST’S TEN-MONTH LEADERSHIP AND PIPELINE DEVELOPMENT The intention of this program is to develop women in their STEM careers as leaders so that they consistently make a difference in the organizations they serve and in the world. Core to the program is that each participant collaboratively creates a ten-month impossible project that makes either a societal or organizational impact. The design, development, and implementation of an impossible project serves as a laboratory for learning leadership development.
OVERCOMING IMMUNITY TO CHANGE Have you ever set yourself a goal that you really wanted and needed to reach but found yourself unable to make progress? Or perhaps you took a few positive steps only to slide frustratingly back to square one? Overcoming Immunity to Change provides a powerful methodology to help individuals and teams get “unstuck” and finally make lasting progress on goals that matter to them. It is a process that leads people to a clear understanding of why they do what they do, and how their underlying patterns of thinking keep them from progress even when they seem committed to action. Participants come to the Overcoming Immunity to Change workshop with a particular personal goal in mind and focus on that goal throughout the workshop. By the end of the process, they have a clear handle on how they get in their own way, and practical tools to help them step aside. The process can be used with individuals and with teams to achieve breakthrough change. As a certified Immunity to Change Coach, Ali has guided many leaders to re-evaluate the outdated stories they tell themselves about what they must do to be successful, and to replace those stories with a new narrative that puts them on a whole new performance curve. This program includes a three hour long session, as well as a half an hour of networking and food.
Come join WEST as we celebrate the end of our busy season with out community.
Many in the biopharmaceutical / healthcare sectors have been made responsible for managing collaborations on behalf of their organizations, while maintaining other key responsibilities. What is the most effective way to manage these deals when you are also in another full-time role? What are the “must do” activities to keep your collaborations on track, versus those which might be “nice to have”? Come to this event to hear practical advice from local alliance leaders.
A discussion on research from Catalyst, the Anita Borg Institute, and Harvard Business School on the key success factors for women who want to succeed in their STEM careers. This will be led by WEST's Executive Director Ilene Fischer.
Topic: The Economic Impact of Women on Boards With panelists: The panel will be moderated by Kim Zeoli - Senior Partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP’s National Business Risk Advisory Practice. Bio click HERE
TO MBA OR NOT MBA May 30, 2012 Waltham, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm
At some point in their careers, many women in science and technology find themselves presented with this question: Does it make sense for me to enroll in an MBA plan and, if so, when and under what circumstances? A panel of four very accomplished men and women, two of whom have MBA degrees and two of whom do not, will address the factors that you should take into account in making this decision and the alternative career paths that may be open to you with and without an MBA degree. The panel will be moderated by Bentley University’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Moderator:
This evening's event includes a Panel who will be addressing questions such as:
The group will then move to several smaller table groupings with Boston area Alliance Managers who will moderate and answer questions on the evening's topic and provide materials outlining key thoughts on the topic.
WEST's LEADERSHIP AWARDS EVENT (THIS EVENT SOLD OUT) It is our pleasure to invite you to WEST's fifth-annual Leadership Awards Event, our most exciting and engaging event of the year. This year's Awardees are:
Ellen Zane- served as President and CEO of Tufts Medical Center, serves as the Chairperson of the Massachusetts Hospital Association and a director at Parexel. See her bio HERE
BUILDING BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENCE USING SOCIAL MEDIA A Panel discussion with experts on social media. Panelist:
Many of you asked to take a deeper dive and receiving one-on-one coaching from Tom Kennedy.
West's Executive Director Ilene Fischer will lead this program that she developed when she worked with Management guru Tom Peters. MORE TIME FOR ME
In this interactive workshop led by Tom Kennedy, Former WBZ News Anchor and CEO Coach, you will engage in advanced tools for effective communication and presentation skills that will enable you to boost your success in your career and in business.
CAREER POSSIBILITIES: SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT January 31, 2012 Cambridge, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm
CAREER NAVIGATOR PROGRAM January 27, 2012 Kendall Square, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm (last Tuesday of each month for six months)
Find your optimal path to career success with the guidance of expert career experts from WEST. Our Career NavigatorTM Program will help you find the most fulfilling destinations to fit your industry career and life objectives in a series of six customized, small groups sessions made up of 15 WEST members.
Each session will be interactive, driven by the needs of the WEST-selected participants and guided by leading women in the science and technology community. Capture the power of the WEST network and find the smart way to energize and advance your career by demonstrating your commitment and drive to improve. Maximize your contributions on the industry career path you have chosen with the WEST community helping you at every critical turn.
West's Executive Director Ilene Fischer will lead this program that she developed when she worked with Management guru Tom Peters.
January 11, 2012, Cambridge, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm
The WEST Executive Director and Board of Directors is offering this town-hall meeting to share the direction and vision for the organization and to answer any questions you may have about WEST's vision. This will also be a networking opportunity..
WEST LEADERSHIP AWARDS EVENT "WOMEN DON'T ASK": EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION STRATEGY WORKSHOP Whether they want higher salaries, enhanced career opportunities, or more help at home, women are much less likely than men to ask for what they want. Women pay for this reluctance in every aspect of their lives-from under-utilization of their skills at work to strained relationships and health problems at home. They advance more slowly professionally and often fail to rise into positions for which they're well qualified-and where they have a lot to contribute. These are losses that women (and their employers) don't need to suffer. By mastering a few basic principles, planning carefully, and practicing, you can become an effective negotiator.
JOB INTERVIEWS: THE ART & STRATEGY OF SUCCESS' WORKSHOP February 17, Cambridge, MA 5:30pm-9:00pm The gateways to career advancement are successful interviews. How do we investigate new, potentially interesting opportunities? In a challenging job market, how do we ensure that the impression we make during an interview will distinguish us from the rest? Join us to learn valuable strategies that will help expand your reach as well as get you noticed and remembered by hiring managers.
ALTERNATIVE CAREERS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS February 10, Cambridge, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm If you are exploring your options, leaving your job, or want to learn more about career choices, please join us for our annual Alternative Careers in Science and Technology event. Meet and network with an extensive panel of “One-Night Mentors” who have experience breaking into and thriving in careers outside of academia including: business development, patent law, consulting, communications, project management, financial services, and technology transfer.
ANNUAL WEST HOLIDAY PARTY AND NETWORKING EVENT January 20, Boston, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm This annual event celebrates Women, Entrepreneurs, Science and Technology. The energetic and festive occasion provides formal and informal networking opportunities with other WEST members, a chance to hear about exciting developments at WEST, entertainment, good food, and time to enjoy the party. We will also be acknowledging those who "Give Back" to others in science and technology. 2010 'PROFESSIONAL TURBOCHARGE: ENTREPRENEURIALLY MANAGING YOUR CAREER AND LIFE' December 8, Cambridge, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm Now is the time for thinking ahead to get ahead! Evaluate and boost your career for the new year! Take a proactive and strategic approach to what new directions and explorations you want to make next year in this special panel discussion and networking event. November 9, Cambridge, MA 6:00pm-9:00pm
'ASSERTIVENESS AS ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT: STRATEGIES FOR TECHNICAL WOMEN' WORKSHOP October 21, Cambridge, MA 5:30pm-9:00pm This workshop will teach dynamic strategies and techniques to help you ramp up your confidence and effectiveness.
'FALL KICKOFF PARTY' 'SUMMER SKILLS SERIES' WORKSHOPS June & July 2010 Summer is a great time to expand your skill set! This series consists of small, interactive 3+ hour workshops in which you will gain new expertise through participatory exercises and lectures. Designed specifically for those in the science and technology industries. You can sign up for just one workshop, several, or the whole series – there is an increasing discount the more workshops you sign up for. DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION DURING CONFLICT NEGOTIATE FOR SUCCESS: OUTCOME DRIVEN DISCUSSIONS HERDING CATS: EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CREATING YOUR "BRAND" USING SOCIAL NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY NAVIGATING CHANGE: MANAGING PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSITIONS
WEST LEADERSHIP AWARDS CELEBRATION June 9, 6:00pm-9:00pm Cambridge, MA The third annual WEST celebration honored women who have been entrepreneurial – either by starting their own companies, or by taking risks and achieving success within larger companies. The awards were presented at an elegant evening party in Cambridge. MORE INFO April 28, 5:30pm-9:00pm Cambridge, MA In a challenging job market, the most successful seekers are those that make the most effective use of their networks to find connections they did not know they had, uncover opportunities that may not even be posted and ensure that their resumes are actually read and remembered by hiring managers. MORE INFO SOLD OUT!! April 14, 6:00pm-9:00pm Cambridge, MA Over 15 One-Night Mentors made brief presentations about how they broke into and thrived in careers outside of academia. They were then available for speed networking at separate tables for an opportunity to ask them questions.
MORE IMPACT IN LESS TIME March 25, 6:00-9:00pm Cambridge MA The three major obstacles faced by many executive women – and what you can do to avoid them.
BUILDING STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK March 10 Noon-2:00pm Luncheon,Cambridge MA At some point many of us have to deal with a difficult boss or coworker. This luncheon seminar will provide concrete tools for handling challenging work situations. Led by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster, coauthors of the bestselling book Working With You is Killing Me. MORE INFO SOLD OUT! February 2010 Project and alliance management are becoming increasingly important in the science and technology industries. In this two part WEST series, you will expand your leadership, influencing and motivational skills.
ANNUAL WEST HOLIDAY PARTY AND NETWORKING EVENT January 21 6:00pm-9:00pm Boston, MA This annual event celebrates Women, Entrepreneurs, Science and Technology. The energetic and festive occasion provides formal and informal networking opportunities with other WEST members, a chance to hear about exciting developments at WEST, entertainment, good food, and time to enjoy the party. We will also be acknowledging those who "Give Back" to others in science and technology.